Three Common Restaurant Food Safety Regulations

Food safety can make or break the success of any restaurant business. And while only a few people may know that a certain restaurant serves good food, almost all the world will know if a single customer falls sick after eating bad food in a restaurant. The hype with which such bad news is spread is unrivaled, and it may take a single incident to bring any restaurant to its knees, however big it is. That is why it pays dividends for restaurant operators to comply with food safety regulations.

Hand-washing: This is the simplest regulation yet one of the most overlooked. Before handling any food, whether it is serving or preparing, restaurant workers must ensure that their hands are clean. The best way to clean hands could be using soap or hand wash with running water. Warm water is even better.

Sourcing: While there is no shortage of food sources in the market, you don’t buy food from just about any source. To be on the safe side, all restaurant food should be bought from approved vendors. Approved food sources guarantee food safety, preventing food poisoning, and other related problems. Remember, these vendors are rigorously assessed before being allowed to do business, and they are required to maintain very high standards to retain their permits.

Cooking and storage temperatures: While most restaurants ignore this regulation, it should be noted that there are recommended temperatures under which certain foods must be cooked, stored, or served. For instance, meat needs to be cooked at temperatures not lower than 135 F, while raw eggs should not be stored at temperatures exceeding 45 F.

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